
The Best New U.S. Bike Lanes of 2023

2023 saw a surge in the creation of safer and more cyclist-friendly bike lanes across the United States, as neighbourhoods from bustling metropolises to quiet rural communities intensified their dedication to enhancing cycling experiences. With an unprecedented influx of federal funding allocated towards biking initiatives and many upcoming projects slated nationwide, the momentum for constructing cycling-friendly spaces will escalate significantly in the forthcoming years.

Although the United States has not yet fully materialized comprehensive citywide bike lanes plans like those seen in cities like London, Paris, and Bogota, several locales are gradually envisioning a future where cycling is prominent in urban mobility. Despite the considerable work that lies ahead to establish safe and inclusive cycling environments for individuals of all ages and abilities nationwide, it is important to acknowledge and celebrate the notable achievements realized by U.S. cities in 2023.

1. Broadway | New York City, New York

In New York City, the focus on car-free streets continued in 2023 with the ambitious vision for Broadway, which began reshaping the iconic thoroughfare with pedestrian plazas, al fresco dining spaces, greenery, and cycling enhancements. The section between West 25th and 32nd Streets underwent significant transformation, with plans underway to extend these improvements from West 33rd to 21st Street, creating a more people-centric corridor linking Union Square to Columbus Circle.

2. 156th Street Cycle Track | Redmond, Washington

In Redmond, Washington, the Microsoft Corporate Campus area saw the launch of the 156th Street Cycle Track, featuring a dedicated two-way cycle track that enhances access to the Redmond Technology Station and the NE 40th Street Shared Use Path. While the Microsoft-funded segment is already operational, the City of Redmond is actively working on expanding the track further from 140th to Turing.

3. 300 West | Salt Lake City, Utah

Salt Lake City celebrated the completion of its most ambitious public works endeavour to date, the 300 West Reconstruction Project, in September 2023. This transformative initiative includes a dedicated two-way, 10-foot-wide bike lane, upgraded sidewalks, and over 200 newly planted trees providing shade and serving as a buffer to the roadway. Funded through the “Funding Our Future” bond, this project underscores Salt Lake City’s commitment to prioritizing biking as a sustainable and accessible mode of transportation, while fostering greener and safer corridors for all road users. Notable features include raised sidewalks and bikeways at non-signalized intersections, bike counters, wayfinding signage, and green-tinted concrete.

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